FACT SHEET AFRICAN CRISIS RESPONSE INITIATIVE (ACRI) Former Secretary of State Warren Christopher launched the African CrisisResponse Initiative (ACRI) in October 1996. The purpose of the Initiativeis to work with international partners and African nations to enhanceAfrican peacekeeping and humanitarian relief capacity. Through the ACRIprogram, the United States offers training and equipment to African nationswho seek to enhance their peacekeeping capabilities and are committed todemocratic progress, principles, and civilian rule. The United States completed initial training with battalions from Senegal,Uganda, and Malawi in 1997, and began training Mali in February 1998. ACRItraining will begin in April 1998 in Ghana in cooperation with the Belgianand Ghanian trainers. The United States will begin training later thisyear in Ethiopia, which has chosen to commit two battalions and a brigadestaff to this effort. The normal training period is 70 days andapproximately 70 U.S. trainers generally provide instruction. Non-governmental and private organizations are invited to participate inthe training, affording trainers and trainees alike valuable opportunitiesfor increased interaction and understanding of the role of civilianagencies in peacekeeping and complex humanitarian operations. After theinitial training, U.S. military training teams return every six months forshort duration to assist in developing self-sustaining training capability. The U.S. ACRI program also complements African capacity training efforts ofseveral other countries such as Britain, France and the Nordic countries.The U.S. also consults closely on ACRI activity with the UN Department ofPeacekeeping Operations, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and itsCrisis Management Center, and African sub-regional organizations alreadypursuing capacity enhancement. ACRI is a five year program with $15 million allocated for the first year,$20 million for the second year, and another $20 million requested for thethird year. During his visit to Senegal President Clinton will review Senegalese troopswho have participated in ACRI training and peacekeeping activities.
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