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Budget Text Preparation Questionnaire

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Budget Text Preparation Questionnaire

1. Name:

2. Agency:

3. Phone:

4. E-mail Address:

5. What is your role in developing your agency's budget? (e.g. program development, budget document and estimate preparation, etc.):

6. Do you participate in the budget text preparation process? (If your answer is Yes, go to question 9)

7. If you do not participate in the budget text preparation process, who does in your agency (Please give their name, e-mail address and phone number)?

8. When does your agency start preparing budget text?

9. Briefly describe the procedures your agency follows when preparing budget text:

10. Resource commitments

a. Roughly speaking, how much time does your agency devote to budget text preparation (in FTE manhours)?

b. What amount would you estimate that you would save by automating the text process?

11. What are the primary problems you encounter preparing budget text?

12. What features would you like to see in an automated Budget Appendix text system? Which of these are the most important?

13. Do you have any suggestions (e.g., existing automated publishing or document management systems within the government, "off-the-shelf" software packages, ideas for incorporation into the system)?

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