Friday, May
Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center
New York
Remarks by Dr. Neal
Assistant to the President for Science and
I consider myself fortunate to have an occupation that is also a calling a true vocation. Everyday I go to work and strive toward goals in which I genuinely believe. The sense of fulfillment that comes with that privilege is something thatI hope todays graduates will feel about their education and experience at some point in their careers.
Emerson said, In the hands of the discoverer, medicine becomes a heroic art . I hope that, as medical doctors just beginning your careers, every member of Mt. SinaisClass of 1999 will recognize that you have the potential to be great discoverers and great heroes. As you bring healing and comfort to people wherever you go, I wish for you success in your science, deep fulfillment in your art, and a lifetime of meaning derived from sharing your gifts with your fellow humans.
Thank you
OSTP Statements in Honor of George Brown
Remarks By Chief Of Staff John Podesta
Summit on Innovation: Federal Policy for the New Millennium
Understanding the Digital Economy:
Mount Sinai Commencement Ceremonies
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Math, and Engineering Mentoring
The National Forensic Science Consortium
Summit on Women in Engineering
Federal Research Partnership With Universities
Regional Meeting on Government-University Partnership Purdue University
Town Hall Meeting on the Proposed Federal Research Misconduct Policy
Mount Sinai Commencement Ceremonies
Remarks By Neal Lane at Zuckerman Lecture
Sea-Space Symposium National Academy of Sciences
Symposium on International Models for R&D Budget Coordination and Priority Setting
Keynote Address Institute of Navigation
Regional Meeting on Government-University Partnership
Civilian Research & Development Foundation Symposium
Civilian Research and Development Oral Statement
National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC)
International Mathematical Olympiad 2001 USA
Remarks to the U.S.-China Water Resources Workshop
National Association of State Universities
President's Remarks during National Medal of Science & Technology
Dr. Lane's House Basic Research committee Testimony
Remarks by Dr. Neal Lane at the AAAS Annual R&D Colloquium, April 14, 1999
Neal Lane's Testimony on Science, Technology and Space
Dr. Lane's Senate FY2000 Budget Testimony
Dr. Lane's House FY2000 Budget Testimony
Administration Testimony on H.R. 354
Neal Lane's Remarks at the PNGV Awards Ceremony
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