United States and Jordan Sign Historic Free Trade Agreement

United States and Jordan Sign Historic Free Trade Agreement

Today President Clinton and King Abdullah II witnessed the signing of an historic Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the United States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The agreement will eliminate duties and commercial barriers to bilateral trade in goods and services originating in the United States and Jordan. The agreement will benefit both countries by opening markets and creating new opportunities for businesses, working people and farmers in Jordan and the United States.

This agreement comes as a result of the impressive steps Jordan has taken under King Abdullah�s leadership to modernize its economy and to open its markets to foreign investors. It also is a tribute to the courageous role Jordan has played over the past several years to promote stability and peace in the region.

This is only the fourth free trade agreement the United States has negotiated, after those with Israel, Canada and Mexico (NAFTA), and the first ever with an Arab state. It is also the first U.S. free trade agreement to include both labor and environment obligations in the body of the text.

The agreement�s specific provisions are:

Previous Agreements

The agreement builds on other U.S. initiatives in the region that are designed to encourage economic development and regional integration, including:

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