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"We are living in a world where what you earn is a function of what you can learn"

President Bill Clinton, January 25, 1994

The new School-to-Work Gateway can help you learn what you need to prepare yourself for the job market. Further, by the year 2000, 60 percent of the new jobs in America will require advanced technological skills. The Clinton Administration has made an unprecedented commitment to bringing technology into the classroom through The President's Educational Technology Initiative. As a central element of the President's lifelong learning agenda, the Administration believes that technology can help expand opportunities for American children to improve their skills, maximize their potential, and ready them for the 21st century workforce.

To help foster community involvement in improving education the U.S. Department of Education provides information and resources to make this possible on a national scale. You can also review the Department of Education's Goals 2000 educational initiatives. This plan describes the future of the education system, and what it should look like as we approach the 21st Century. Schoolwide projects can create a real sense of excitement in high-poverty schools by enriching the academic program for all children and for the whole school while removing the stigma of the label "disadvantaged." Additionally, the Family Involvement In Education effort encourages parents, citizens, and all Americans to rally around their local schools and make a commitment to support education improvement throughout the year. You can also learn about the programs that will help bring technology into schools. On October 20, 1994, President Clinton signed into law the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 (IASA). This act reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act assistance to improve schools around the nation. The Department of Education also allows state flexibility in allocation of some funds. Read examples of such waivers.

You can also learn more about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which has assisted disabled Americans in attaining an education.

The ERIC - EducationResource Information Clearinghouse is an index database of journalsin education.AskERIC is among the most popular sources of information in Education. In addition, you make use their e-mail inquiry service. The ERIC/AE Test Locator can be used to help locate psychological and educational tests including Standards and test selection tips. It provides a searchable database of test descriptions (10,000 entries), addresses of test publishers, and tables of contents for the Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook and Pro-Ed Test Reviews.

The Department of Defense Education Gateway lists educational programs available through the Department of Defense. Many other government agencies offer similar programs. The NASA Educational Resources site helps support accelerated learning programs in education. Their site also provides pointers to a vast array of online resources for students and educators, as well as to projects that address these goals. The U.S. Geological Survey Learning Webprogram offers a collection of educational resources that can be used in the classroom to teach and investigate earth science concepts. Also, the National Institute for Literacy executes the responsibilities enumerated in the National Literacy Act through the creation of systems which will enable every adult with literacy needs to receive services of the highest quality.

The Regional Educational Laboratories are educational research and development organizations supported by contracts with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). The Regional Educational Laboratories provide teachers, administrators, parents, and policymakers facilities and staff to improve schools in their communities.

Many School Districts aroundthe Nation also have web sites. You can also take a look at the many State-level Department of Education sites. MIT also provides this handy Index of Colleges and Universities.

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