A Foreign Policy for the Global Age
Engaging China to Promote and Protect U.S. Interests
Promoting Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula
Western, Central, Southeast Europe
Strengthening NATO and European Security
Supporting the Northern Ireland Peace Process
Winning the War and the Peace in Kosovo
Building Democracy in Bosnia
Latin America
Promoting Peace and Democracy in Latin America
Near East
Building Peace in the Middle East
Containing Saddam Hussein’s Iraq
Russia and the New Independent States
Supporting Russia’s Transformation
Promoting Democracy and Sovereignty in the New Independent States
U.S.-Caspian Energy Policy: Promoting Sovereignty and Prosperity
Arms Control/Nonproliferation
Advancing the Global Arms Control Agenda
Leading the Way in Nonproliferation
Strengthening Military Readiness
Eliminating the Threat of Anti-Personnel Landmines
International Economic Affairs
Opening Global Markets and Expanding Prosperity
Creating a New Financial Architecture
Transnational Threats
Combatting Terrorism
Protecting Cyber Security
Fighting New Threats
Fighting International Crime
Multilateral/Humanitarian/Environmental Issues
Advancing Democracy and Human Rights
Responding to Victims of Humanitarian Crises
Protecting the Global Environment
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